Worship on Sundays (9:00 AM)

Season of Pentecost - “The Need for Followership”

“We need better leadership!” Have you ever said that? Perhaps you were frustrated with the direction being taken by some elected official or by management at your workplace or by the coach of your favorite team. You were frustrated because you know that no matter how many resources an organization has, it will flounder if leaders do not lead well: providing direction, training, motivation, coordination, encouragement, and even grace. Leadership is extremely important. And so, there are times we lament, “We need better leadership!”

Jesus Christ is the leader of our congregation, our home, our lives. And his leadership is perfect in every way. Therefore, when things are amiss in any of those arenas, what is needed is not better leadership, but better followership. In this series, we ask Christ to empower us with his Spirit so that we might better follow his lead. May we better reflect the beauty of his life, better make his priorities our own, and better serve our God and neighbor. The themes for the next eight services are as follows:

Followers of Christ…

…Obey His Law from the Heart - 9/1

…See the True Purpose of His Power - 9/8

…Are Armed for Battle - 9/15

…Are Humble Servants - 9/22

…Have Powerful Allies - 9/29

…Know How to Love Their Families - 10/6

…Maintain Proper Priorities - 10/13

…Make Selfless Sacrifices - 10/20

  • Online Services

    Our Savior’s worship services are now available on our Facebook Page. You can watch previous services there and find them on our YouTube channel as well; or catch them live each Sunday starting at 9AM MST.

Sunday Bible Class (10:00 AM)

In the church basement immediately after the service.

Our Location is

1221 17th Avenue, Longmont, 80501

Pastor Noah Herrmann: (920) 254-7614/ herrmann43@gmail.com